Trauma-Sensitive School Professional Development

Professional Development Collaborative

Empowering Trauma-Focused Educators
ATN's PD Collaborative

Looking for Professional Development?

ATN has created a Collaborative of Professionals to work with YOU to Provide the Training Your Organization Needs

Meet your collaborative trainers


What attendees of our workshops are saying:

Need Training?

How it works:  If your school, organization, group is in need of professional development training, the PD Collaborative is here to help.  Indicate your needs on the form below.  Our Collaborative has expertise in many facets of creating a trauma-informed environment to serve the Whole Child, such as:

  • Trauma-Informed practices, policies and leadership
  • Brained-based strategies and interventions
  • Restorative practices
  • Equity and cultural competency
  • Teacher/Staff Care/Mental Wellness

Fill out the form below, being as specific about your needs as possible.  Members of our Collaborative (listed above) will respond directly to your request.  


Attachment and Trauma Network's
TSS Professional Development Information Request

Organization Address

Educator Resources

Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Annual Conference

TSS Conference

Annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference.

Professional Development Programs For Educators

Professional Development Training

Customized Trauma Sensitive Professional Training for Educators

TSS Think Tank

Join the Trauma Sensitive Schools Think Tank and Promote Best Practices in Schools

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