
General Information: The information found on the ATN website is for informational purposes only. ATN volunteers have researched trauma and attachment disorders extensively, and are dedicated to providing the latest and most accurate information that we can, but we cannot provide any guarantees about the information we provide.


Not Medical Professionals: ATN and its volunteers are not mental health or other medical professionals, and we do not endorse any one particular course of treatment. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Attachment Disorders are serious, and we highly recommend that you seek medical or other professional advice when dealing with these issues. The information found on this site should never take the place of professional therapy and sound medical advice.


No Medical Professional- Patient Relationship or Confidentiality: A visit to our website, or an inquiry through this site or our phone line to one of our staff members, does not create a medical or other professional relationship between you and the Attachment & Trauma Network. For this reason, we caution you not to send us any information about a medical matter or that is otherwise confidential until after you have spoken with one of our staff members and received instructions about what information to provide him or her.


Links: The links, resources and suggested readings mentioned on this site do not necessarily reflect the views of ATN or our members. ATN, our Board of Directors, our staff, and our members assume no liability or responsibility for any diagnosis, treatment, decision made, or action taken based upon information contained on this website or any sites linked to or from this site.