Secretary Cardona Addressed Largest Gathering of Trauma-Informed Educators Ever at #TSS2022ATN

US Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona addressed over 4,000 educators at the 5th Annual Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Conference  on Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022.  The conference was held both in Houston, TX and virtually.  Sec. Cardona joined via internet to impart the importance of trauma-informed education strategies and the need for collective care among those currently working in our nation’s schools, and to answer questions about the many challenges students and educators are facing in this country.

Conference organizers say that having Secretary Cardona address the group was crucial for highlighting the importance of trauma-responsive educators and trauma-informed strategies that are needed now more than ever.  

“We’re honored to have Secretary Cardona join us,” says Joe Brummer, restorative practices consultant and conference organizer, “We know the Secretary is passionate about educators recognizing the impact trauma has on learning and about the restorative and relational strategies that help students become more resilient and more ready to learn.”

In addition to Secretary Cardona, other featured speakers addressing the group were Mathew Portell,  a leading national voice on trauma-informing public schools on Monday; Dr. Stephen Porges, the originator of the Poly-Vagal Theory on Thursday, and best-selling author, Amelia Nagoski on Friday.

“It’s exciting to be able to welcome attendees back to our conference in-person,” Julie Beem, ATN’s Executive Director comments. “Trauma-informed work is very relational, so being together is extremely helpful.  We took every precaution to make the experience as safe as possible.  It was also wonderful that we’ were able to host a portion of the conference virtually as well, for those who can not travel. It’s our organization’s mission to reach and support as many students and schools as possible and the virtual option is critical to that goal. ”

“Attending workshops taught by the brightest minds in trauma-informed education is the main reason people should attend this conference,” Melissa Sadin, Ed.D., advisor to ATN recommends. “But the transformative work often happens when teachers and administrators exchange ideas with others who are implementing this work in their districts, so the networking is crucial as well.  Trauma-informed care is very much about shifting our way of being versus what tasks we do.  It’s a commitment to grow and change as educators and school systems based on what we know about child development and how trauma impacts all humans.  The early successes being seen in trauma-informed schools are amazing.”

More information on registration, lodging, exhibiting and other conference details can be found on the Conference Page.

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