Grants to fund Online Directory & Parenting Resources

Register for TSS conference

The Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc. (ATN) is honored to receive a grant through the Conrad N. Hilton foundation for improving and developing resources for children and families impacted by early childhood trauma.  The $250,000 grant will be focused on accomplishing two things in 2020: The development of a comprehensive, searchable directory of trauma-informed professionals […]

Trauma-Informed Resources Available During COVID-19 Quarantine

Trauma-Informed Resources Available During COVID-19 Quarantine

ATN knows that the social distancing going on now can be VERY unsettling for our children impacted by trauma.  Their early adversities cause them heightened anxiety when there are changes and when the adults in their world seem tense.  Yet, we also have opportunities to increase connection, enhance our relationship with our children and model […]

Rupture and Repair: Emotions, Attunement, and Attachment

Stone heart with mini-action figures climbing on it - Rupture and Repair: Emotions, Attunement, and Attachment

“Why do some children become sad, withdrawn, insecure, or angry, whereas others become happy, curious, affectionate, and self-confident?” developmental psychologist Edward Tronick, Ph.D. asked in a 1989 paper called “Emotions and Emotional Communication in Infants.” The answer lies in large part with the quality of emotional communication, or attunement, between parent and child. We don’t get […]