Trauma-Informed Resources Available During COVID-19 Quarantine

Trauma-Informed Resources Available During COVID-19 Quarantine

ATN knows that the social distancing going on now can be VERY unsettling for our children impacted by trauma.  Their early adversities cause them heightened anxiety when there are changes and when the adults in their world seem tense.  Yet, we also have opportunities to increase connection, enhance our relationship with our children and model how to stay regulated when things are not “normal”. (updated last: April 29, 2020)

NOTICE:  ATN is hosting “It’s Ok to NOT Be OK” Zoom Room Chats starting this Friday, March 27, 3-5 pm eastern; 12-2 pm pacific.  Parents, caregivers, teachers invited – drop in for support during those times.  Login link is:


Here are tips we have for Families during our shelter-in-place with children who have been impacted by trauma and by attachment disorders:

Check out this video Tracy Leonard with Prezi Video made of ATN’s Covid-19 Infographic. 

Resources from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network for parents.

Resources from Harvard’s Center for the Developing Child – What is COVID-19?

Feeling anxious yourself?  This is a great website for everyone: Care for Your Coronavirus Anxiety – Shine


Looking for trauma-informed and SEL resources online, check these out:

A comprehensive webinar from National School Board Association and ATN: Navigating Virtual Education — with Calm, Connectedness and Compassion

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