2019 Touching Trauma at Its Heart Awards

Each year, ATN honors some of the best in trauma-informed care and awareness with our Touching Trauma at Its Heart Awards.  The awards are given in three categories:  School Award, Parent Award and Educator Award. This year’s Educator Award went to Dr. Mona Johnson who oversees the behavioral health of all students at all the […]

CTSS2020 Call for Presentations is OPEN

General Session from 2019 CTSS - CTSS2020 Call for Presentations is OPEN

Do you have specialized expertise in trauma-informed care and education?  Has your school taken the journal toward becoming trauma-sensitive?  ATN is looking for workshop presenters from a various of backgrounds: educators (at all levels), counselors, social workers, clinicians, community leaders and others to present at our 2020 conference, February 16-18, 2020 in Atlanta, GA.  You […]