Trauma-Informed Certification - Level 1

Trauma-Informed Certification Now Available!

ATN's new Trauma-Informed Certification Program is NOW AVAILABLE!


Who is this for?

ATN’s Certification Program is created for ANYONE who wants  to better understand how trauma impacts children and what we can do to help build safety and resilience — and to show your understanding of trauma-informed care and how it applies to the ways you work with and care for children.

  • Parents/Caregivers
  • Staff and Volunteers at:
    • Schools
    • Preschools
    • Child-serving organizations like clubs, sports teams and after-school programs
    • Faith-based organizations
    • Foster Care and Adoption agencies
    • Juvenile justice and CASAs

What will you learn?

Level 1- Trauma-Informed Certification consists of 3 Units with 3 Lessons each (approximately 5 hours of coursework.) Everything for Level 1 is online and self-paced.

  • Unit 1
    • Lesson 1a – What is Trauma?
      • Definition of trauma
      • Types of trauma
      • Trauma vs. stress
      • SAMHSA’s Three Es
      • Risk factors for trauma
    • Lesson 1b – What is Trauma-Informed Care?
      •  SAMHSA’s 4 Assumptions of Trauma-Informed Care
      • The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study
      • The limitations and evolution of the ACEs Study
    • Lesson 1c – Where’s the Hope? (Exploring Resilience)
      • Defining Resilience and how it’s developed
      •  What resilience is not
      • Protective factors and Positive Childhood Experiences
  • Unit 2
    • Lesson 2a – Brain Basics
      • Key brain development concepts
      • How trauma impacts brain development
      • Sensory processing and how it is impacted by trauma
      • The Brain-in-Hand model
    • Lesson 2b – Behavior is Communication
      • Where behaviors come from
      • Top-down and Bottom-up behaviors
      • The four stress/trauma reactions – fight, flight, freeze, fawn
      • How learning and functioning are impacted by toxic stress
    • Lesson 2c – Our Own Nervous System
      • Responding vs. Reacting to behaviors
      • Vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and burnout
      • moving through the stress cycle
      • the importance of community wellness
  • Unit 3
    • Lesson 3a- Attachment is the Antidote
      • What is attachment?
      • How does healthy attachment help?
      • Exploring attachment disorders
      • Building safe relationships with older children
    • Lesson 3b – How Do We Learn to Regulate?
      • Defining co-regulation and self-regulation
      • The neuroscience of regulation
      • Tools for regulation
    • Lesson 3c – Resisting Retraumatization
      • Shifting our view of behavior management
      • Restorative and collaborative frameworks
      •  Avoiding traumatizing procedures and policies
      • Building a trauma-informed culture in your organization


Level 1 Certification is $150.  Group/Volume Discounts are available.  

We are accepting Purchase Orders for schools and other groups.  Contact us at [email protected] to learn more. 

There will eventually be three levels of certification corresponding with Trauma-Informed, Trauma-Sensitive & Trauma-Responsive.  Level 1:  Trauma-Informed Care, will be launching by summer 2024.  The entire Level 1 program will be on-line (curriculum and testing) with certification badges and documents to share your new credentials.  Watch for introductory pricing this spring!

Keep an eye on our website and our social media for more information about this exciting program.  Check out the definitions below.





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