Upcoming Conferences and Trainings Coming Your Way

Guest Author Post

by:  Gari Lister

ATN EventsAs the mom to three kids from trauma backgrounds, I find that my therapeutic toolbox needs frequent updates!  My girls are very different, and the techniques that work with one do not always work with the others.  There are a number of events scheduled for the spring and summer of 2015 — I hope you can take advantage of one or more!

Los Angeles, CA Area – March 5-6 Developmental Trauma: Where Trauma Meets Attachment
Conference – ATN will be there!
Hosted by Echo Parenting
Speakers include Bessel van der Kolk, Daniel Siegel, Heather Forbes and more.
To register or for more information: http://www.echoparenting.org/professional-services/conferences

Online – Healing our Children 2015 World Summit
Free webinar – you can listen to experts from the comfort of your own home
To register and for more information, visit  http://www.healingourchildrenworldsummit.com/

Evanston, IL — Saturday, March 21, 2015 (9:00-5:00) Building Strong Relationships: A Workshop for Adoptive and Foster Families
The Theraplay Institute, Evanston, IL
For more information, visit http://www.theraplay.org/index.php/about-our-training/event-registration/event/362/Evanston–IL-%28March-21–2015%29

Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada — March 30 – April 3 Trauma and Attachment Conference
The Attachment and Trauma Treatment Centre for Healing (ATTCH)
For more information, visit http://www.attachmentandtraumaconference.com/2015-conference.html

San Antonio, TX – April 10-11 – Empowered to Connect
Hosted by Show Hope
Speakers include Dr. Karyn Purvis
For more information, visit http://showhope.org/be-hope/equipping-families/etc/

Portland, OR – April 11 — Beyond Consequences Live
Hosted by Beyond Consequences
Speaker: Heather Forbes, LCSW
For information, visit http://www.beyondconsequenceslive.com/

St. Louis, MO – April 18 Beyond Consequences Live
Hosted by Beyond Consequences
Speaker: Heather Forbes, LCSW
For information, visit http://www.beyondconsequenceslive.com/

Chicago, IL Area – April 24-26 Parenting in SPACE – ATN will be there!
Therapeutic Parenting Training
Hosted by House Calls Consulting
Speakers include Billy Kaplan, Christine Moers and ATN’s Ed Director Anna Paravano
For more information, visit www.parentinginspace.com

Denver, CO – May 2 Beyond Consequences Live
Hosted by Beyond Consequences
Speaker: Heather Forbes, LCSW
For more information, visit http://www.beyondconsequenceslive.com/



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