umbrella with Take Care of Yourself written under

Giving Ourselves a Break

Confession time–I have to take a break (gasp!)

I cannot do it all.

There. I’ve said it. I’ve admitted the impossible.

Now that I’ve done that, let’s see what else I can say.

I am not superwoman.

Turns out I have flaws.

Plus I get sick.

In other words, I am vulnerable. I will have to take a break.

Yet it is killing me to admit those things.

Remind you of anyone you know?

Unlike many of our readers and their family members, I personally did not suffer early childhood trauma. Mine came much later. Still, it has been the fight of a lifetime to let myself heal, and even now, my body sometimes has to rise up and take me down. If I won’t rest–and I probably won’t–I have learned that my body will make me.

That is what’s happening now. My body has informed me that is time to go get some much-needed medical and spiritual care. Sadly, this means #TraumaTuesday will have to take a break as well. We’ll be back later this summer, though, stronger and better than ever.

Until then, please enjoy reading around old posts on the blog. There is a lot of wisdom here.

God bless.




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