Failing Forward

Gold fish jumping from a small bowl to large bowl - Failing Forward

-by Meredith Poynter A Rough Ride I learned early that this journey to heal childhood trauma is a bit of a rollercoaster ride. How do we participate in that ride […]

The Fine Art of Consequences – Part II

Little girl crying - Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

–by Julie Beem In my last post, I wrote about a mom in search of an appropriate consequence for her daughter’s misbehavior at school. I suggested that an at-home consequence […]

The Fine Art of Consequences – Part I

Brick wall with graffiti - How, who, when, where, why, what?

–By Julie Beem A mother called me a while back. “What consequence can I give her?” she started, “She just won’t behave at school and the teacher keeps sending home […]