ATN Trauma Informed Certification- Level 1

Resources for Families, Educators and Communities.

empowering trauma-sensitive reform

ATN Trauma Informed Certification- Level 1

PLEASE  NOTE: This product will be available to access and complete for 90 days from date of purchase. After 90 days, a new certification must be purchased.

This Program contains an Introduction, 3 Units, and quizzes at the end of each.  Upon completion and successful (80%) passing of the quizzes, certification will be awarded.  Each quiz will give 2 chances to pass.  If quizzes are not passed, certification will not be awarded.

TEST OUT:  The test out option is also available for purchase.  An 80% score on the test out will award certification.  Failure of the test out will direct you to the full course at no additional cost if you contact us.

Email [email protected] with any questions.

The first level – Trauma-Informed Certification has the broadest audience and is designed to reach the broadest of audiences.  It is rooted in the 4 trauma-informed assumptions defined by SAMHSA and focused on the impact of trauma on children, although it encompasses how trauma impacts all human brains and nervous systems.  The goal is to be able to use this certification as an entry-level credential for a wide variety of people.  The audiences we hope this targets well include parents/caregivers; social workers and child welfare professionals; educators and everyone who works in schools; juvenile justice system (court personnel, CASAs); early childhood professionals; those working with children through youth, non-profit, and faith-based organizations.




PLEASE  NOTE:  This course completely expires 90 days after purchase.  No extensions can be given.  Please plan accordingly.

Purchasing this product gives you a course that contains: an Introduction, 3 Units, and Unit Tests at the end of each Unit.  Upon completion and successful (80%) passing of all three Unit Tests, certification will be awarded.  Each test will give 2 chances to pass.  If tests are not passed, certification will not be awarded.  This product will be available to access and complete for 90 days from date of purchase. After 90 days, a new certification must be purchased.

TEST OUT:  The test out option is also available for purchase.  PLEASE ONLY BUY ONE PRODUCT OR THE OTHER!  (Do not buy this course if you purchase the TEST OUT option.)  An 80% score on the test out will award certification, without the need to complete the coursework.  If you do not pass the TEST OUT option, the full course will be provided at no additional cost by contacting us at [email protected]

NO REFUNDS.  Please purchase when you are ready to take the course. Once the coursework is started there will be no refunds available.  Refunds for products purchased, but not accessed must be requested within 90 days of purchase.  Email [email protected] with any questions.

ATN’s Certification Program

The first level – Trauma-Informed Certification has the broadest audience and is designed to reach the broadest of audiences.  It is rooted in the 4 trauma-informed assumptions defined by SAMHSA and focused on the impact of trauma on children, although it encompasses how trauma impacts all human brains and nervous systems.  The goal is to be able to use this certification as an entry-level credential for a wide variety of people.  The audiences we hope this targets well include parents/caregivers; social workers and child welfare professionals; educators and everyone who works in schools; juvenile justice system (court personnel, CASAs); early childhood professionals; those working with children through youth, non-profit, and faith-based organizations.


ATN’s Certification Program is rooted in our overall mission to promote healing of children impacted by trauma through their families, schools and communities.  Establishing and furthering a baseline of knowledge about how trauma impacts a child’s development is a crucial step in the overall promotion of supporting and healing children and educating and empowering the adults who work with them and love them.  ATN has frequently been asked by so many individuals and organizations about whether we could certify and/or instruct them in the basics of trauma-informed care that this program is a response to that frequent request.


As we explain below, the plan is for ATN’s Certification to have three Levels.  The first level – Trauma-Informed Certification has the broadest audience and is designed to reach the broadest of audiences.  It is rooted in the 4 trauma-informed assumptions defined by SAMHSA and focused on the impact of trauma on children, although it encompasses how trauma impacts all human brains and nervous systems.  The goal is to be able to use this certification as an entry-level credential for a wide variety of people.  The audiences we hope this targets well include parents/caregivers; social workers and child welfare professionals; educators and everyone who works in schools; juvenile justice system (court personnel, CASAs); early childhood professionals; those working with children through youth, non-profit, and faith-based organizations.

Because many in ATN’s network are highly knowledgeable about trauma-informed care, the Level 1 certification will have a test-out option.  We want those who are well-versed in this work and leading the movement to join us in this credential.

Future levels will be targeted to those furthering their trauma-informed knowledge and working toward being trauma-sensitive and trauma-responsive as defined below.

Defining Levels

There will eventually be three levels of certification corresponding with Trauma-Informed, Trauma-Sensitive & Trauma-Responsive.  Level 1:  Trauma-Informed Care, will be launching by summer 2024.  The entire Level 1 program will be on-line (curriculum and testing) with certification badges and documents to share your new credentials.  Level 1 will be Trauma-Sensitive Certification and Level 3 will be Trauma-Responsive Organization Certification.  Check out the definitions below.






Email [email protected] with any questions.

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